Clocks going forward, by Ella

Dear Mr Vanshweezberg (president of Avernja),

I am writing to tell you that I don’t understand why the clocks have gone forward. I hear it was you who decided they should go forward. My children were late for school because of the clocks going forward. Also, I would like to bring to your attention, that many of my workers were late for work. They all say ‘ But I thought I had enough time to get here!’ It was all because of the clocks going forward.

I hope that you will write back to me and tell me about the clocks going forward.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Obama (Presedent of the United States).

2 thoughts on “Clocks going forward, by Ella

  1. Hi Ella,
    What a fantastic idea to use this weeks prompt in a letter of complaint. The letter was well structured and was interesting to read.
    Well done for entering this weeks 100 Word Challenge!
    Mrs Symonds (Team 100WC)
    Cambridge, UK

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