Jazmin’s 100wc

The whistle blew; I was froze on the spot. My body wouldn’t move because of all the adrenaline pumping around my body. All around me I could see chaos erupting, as innocent people got shot down. Suddenly out of nowhere, there was a tremendous explosion. Large chunks of shrapnel came flying at me from every direction possible. I collapsed to the floor in agony. It was all to fast for me to take in. Remembering the reason I was here, I sucked up all the pain, got up and prayed with home in my heart for my family back home.


Jazmin’s 100wc

I am still perplexed on what happened yesterday. One minute I was under my blankets, planning my dream ice cream parlour and the next I was in a completely new place. Looking around, I could see bright strobe lights and queer looking machines moving around . Taking a few cautious steps forward, suddenly, it hit me. I was in an ice cream parlour! , I couldn’t believe the smell, ice cream glories in every flavour conceivable. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. Stunned into silence, I reached out and gently laid my hand on the nearest machine and a tingle of excitement leaped up my spine.


Clocks going forward, by Ella

Dear Mr Vanshweezberg (president of Avernja),

I am writing to tell you that I don’t understand why the clocks have gone forward. I hear it was you who decided they should go forward. My children were late for school because of the clocks going forward. Also, I would like to bring to your attention, that many of my workers were late for work. They all say ‘ But I thought I had enough time to get here!’ It was all because of the clocks going forward.

I hope that you will write back to me and tell me about the clocks going forward.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Obama (Presedent of the United States).


Harrison T 100wc

I would definitely love to be a night zoo keeper because I could fight the criminal monsters trying to take over the light world. A land without creativity or imagination would be catastrophic. Exploring the ice jungles and conquering the floating mountains would be phenomenal. The spying giraffes would be an asset in the war as they could assist me searching high in the tree tops. Time travel has been something I’ve always wanted to experience and the elephants could teleport me out of danger. With strength, courage and fearlessness, I think that I would be the perfect candidate to become the night zoo keeper.


100 Word Challenge by Lucy

A night zoo keeper? I would love this job! I would care for the animals such as Spying Giraffes, Time Traveling Elephants, Partying Monkeys and Disguising Lions and a lot more. Feeding time would be so much fun because we can play catch the fish and who can run the fastest to get the crunchy nut. I would care for ice Jungles and Floating mountains with my green fingers and knowledge of the outer world. Finally, defeating the monsters who come and threaten the land, I fight them with my bare hands. I would love this job!    


100 wc by Anna

Dear Chester Zoo,

I would be partial to offer my services for the position of the Night Zookeeper. Working for the zoo, means that I would help to look after the animals by caring and protecting the nature that need help living through their lives. I have many qualifications in Zoology for example A*in Night Time University. At the moment, I am working for New Longton Vets, serving animals. I anticipate my letter has informed you that being a Night Zookeeper would be what I would enjoy to be.

I look forward to your response



Me as a Night Zookeeper! By Cerys

I want to be a night zookeeper because, it sounds fun and I love animals! But I want to help all the animals like the low flying pigs, highly inappropriate hippo’s, lightening fast Llama’s and the menacing monkey’s.

I have many qualifications, including Z level- controlling abstact animals at A* and a degree from the night University.

My last job was on the animal space station I thought it would be pretty good until I got the job as a  poop manager (tricky with no gravity I had to catch it in a net).

I look forward to hearing from you soon





Ryan S 100wc

I would like to be a night zoo keeper because I like animals and I never really get tired, also I’m good at watching over things,they never leave my sight. Also the monsters that attack the zoo won’t get to the animals because I can set traps and go all kung-fu on them. Also I can call for back up if things get out of control and we can arm ourselves with anything the armoury has to offer.Also if they fight back, we can get some of the animals to help us by fighting with stuff. This is basically why i want to be a night zookeeper.


Harrison T 100wc

I was strolling along the gravel path in the park. You could hear the children screaming and laughing as they whizzed back and forth on the swings. My friend, Ryan, came running over to me.

“What’s the matter?” I questioned.

“Quick look up! Can you see that flying elephant?”

I looked at him in a confused way. Was he pranking me? If he was it definitely was not working. He looked quite serious. I was worried, am I blind or has he gone crazy?

“Are you sure that’s a flying elephant? It looks like a pigeon to me.”

“Oh.” replied Ryan feeling quite silly after his mistake.


100 Word Challenge by Lucy

Walking down the street looking all sad and grey was my best friend Anna, I went over to talk to her. ” Hey Anna, what’s up?”

“Oh, It… it doesn’t matter,” Anna said starting to cry.

I gave her a pat on the shoulder “Well,” she started to speak “My new horse ran away.”

“Don’t worry.” Lucy said.

Within 5 minuets Anna’s horse came running up to her! “WOW! I.. “Shhh,” “…look up! Can you see…”

The two girls looked up in amazement as if it was the best thing they had ever seen! Lucy and Anna both promised the they would keep the memory for ever!