100wc by Evie

”Mummy can I have a cookie i’m starving!” yelled Zoe staring at the cookie jar
”Yes dear but not too many!” replied mum in calm voice
thank you but when she opend the lid there were no cookies Zoe gasped ”Mummy who stloe the cookies from the cookie jar?” roared Zoe
”I don’t know you will just have to have an apple instead.” mumbled mum with her hand on her head
”An apple! are serious I will just wait!” complained zoe lying on the rug . At tea time Zoe told her dad about the cookies and he just said ”Oh well.”


100wc Evie

Dear Diary,

Today I went to Splash World in Southport! I was so exited this was my second time going I just love the donuts but I hate the fast water when I first tried it but hey ho you carn’t like evrything when I got there all I could see was water I was jumping up and about. Then as in a blink of an eye I saw my best friend Chelsea! We played together all day it was so much fun I bet if you were human you would love it so mabye one day a mirical might happen.


100wc by Evie

Dear Diary, On Tuesday I went to my friends house for tea it was brilliant I’ve never been there before so I was so excited. But when I got to school Lilly said I called her custard yucky witch was random but it was,but I never said that she didn’t believe me but when I tasted the custard it tasted like dog poo so I left it she said its fine but I think you over reacted WHAT!!!!!!! She over reacted I kept my mouth shut and walked away but seriously the clusters was HORRIBLE!!!!! she said sorry so I forgave her.


100 word challenge by Evie

But when I put the batteries in my toy grew bigger and bigger and bigger it came up to me and said lets have some fun I ran as fast as I could it was behind me chasing me up and down the street my mum said how is your new toy darling and she turned around and saw the gigantic monster bunny she ran with me up and down the street I said to my mum I will run and turn it off and you detract it she was waving her hands up and I climbed up but then I realized a big problem……… 


100 word challenge by Evie

Christmas Day,Lilly and Rosie were opening there presents Lilly had asked for a Ginnie Pig called Mickey and Rosie asked for an iphone. Lilly opened her large prestent it was a Ginnie Pig! She was so greatfull she wrote back. Rosie opened her and she got an iphone. Later that day Lilly took her ginnie pig out and held him. She got very scared and dropped him. She told Rosie and they both searched the house she found him and saw him chewing the christmas tree and coverd in decorations they picked him up and put him back in the cage! “I promise Iwill always look after it!”


100 word challenge by Evie

Christmas Day,

I was so exited to see what gifts I would get from father christmas! I got dressed then looked in my stocking.Every christmas I got what I wanted I have to get everything I want otherwise there just horrible to me its al I want I want I want! Eveyone needs to get spoilt I mean thats true. So i opend my stocking and found nothing I was shocked

I told my mum and she said “I’m not surprised I mean” so i went to town looking around me I saw everyone had prestents but me 😦 …looking down I was suprised to see someone without a home or anything it made me realise how lucky I am I went and bought with my 10000 pounds cause im rich! a house for the homeless person and when i got home i had some presents!


The Day Of The Portals

The Day of The Portals

Hello I was just looking at a picture of me when I went to space. If you want I will tell you the story of what happened, well I’m a scientist and I was doing a massive experiment. So I thought I’d buy a rocket and go down underground which is called earth. Eventually I my rocket went down to earth. Before very long I arrived and found myself in the middle of know where I got out of the rocket and loads of kids ran at me even though I felt very happy I suddenly then felt so sad because soon I would have to go back up to space all by myself.

I would stay with my parents but I don’t know where they live so I ran away and demanded for the potion they gave it me but It didn’t feel very wright so I ran away and dropped the potion nevertheless I still wanted it they knew I was from space so they ran after me. They made me feel so welcome went up and tried to do my potion.

But suddenly there was a green portal I got dragged in and I crashed I got straight back up and there a wizard I had never seen him in my life and he said ‘’are you lost because you don’t look very normal do you want to go back home?’’ I replied back of course I do

So I spent two days there building a wand. The days went on and so did time but eventually I made it out. Went straight back to earth and they were so shocked I made it back they took me back to my real comfy blue home.

My mum and dad were so pleased to see me that they let me stay! Despite me having a wand in the house. Later on I was at the playground and this kid said to me ‘’cool look at that green ball of something’’ then I realised it was another portal!


100 word challenge by Evie

Have you all herd about the typhoon in the Philippines well I’m the typhoon I didn’t mean to make one, I’m a force of nature so I had no choice. I was just drinking out of the sea when when I had to just let it all out the nature told me you have to go all over the Philippines. It was a day that I regret I don’t want to be a typhoon its not very fair but I enjoy looking down from the sky I would like to say sorry for wht i did 😦  



100 word challenge by Evie

Today is the day to remember the people who died in the war.The war finished on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Millions of people died.  My great granddad was in the war, he came back but my great granddad’s father died in the first world war. That was very upsetting.No one talks about him. They all get a bit emotional.We always buy poppies and have two minutes of silence because it’s a very important time of year when we remember the soldiers who died. We remember the massive battles in world war one. We also think of people in Afghanistan.    


100 Word Challenge by Evie

New York’s Breaking News!

Breaking News on Wednesday 6th November a body was found dunked in central park river. Children have been warned not to go near the river or near the area . The body has been know to be a man who was on holiday he was a father of two and remembered as a loving father, husband and son.people please stay away from strangers and keep safe! Children need to live a life and so do all of you. This body was not meant to be dead he was out with his wife and his dad babysitting. The persons wife had escape but only because the man was protecting her so stay safe and keep away from strangers!