Macro 100 word challenge week#20

It was a fine Sunday morning and we were ready to go on our walk up a mountain. We all had our wellingtons on with hats and gloves and scarfs. As we started our walk we had to go for hours in muddy fields to get to the mountain. It took several hours of walking through boggy fields to reach the foot of Coniston old man (which is my favourite mountain).It felt like we were ascending for hours on end. We finally reached the summit and down below we could see Coniston Water and Lake Windermere and all we could see was water.


Marco 100 word challenge # week 19

One day in the zoo lived the Wongawonga gorilla. This particular gorilla is the last of it’s kind, it has PINK spotted fur and is famous for riding a one wheeled BICYCLE (otherwise known as a Unicycle) and then making the crowd burst into LAUGHTER. This GRAND animal is almost impossible to find, as there is only one left in the world. This animal is wanted by many circuses world wide, because the jokes it tells are so bad they are funny. This creature is currently held in Marco Land Resort in New York.

P.S feel free to come and have a look as we are open 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.



nlas yr6 ruby 100wc

Christmas Eve


It was Christmas Eve and all my family is exited (especially my brother Ethan)!  My mum told me to calm down otherwise Santa would be too scared to visit my house. For tea we had a yummy Christmas dinner but didn’t like the Brussel sprouts (yuck). At eight o’clock I went to bed and I demanded that my mum went to bed the same time so that Santa would come but I didn’t have any luck. At eleven o’clock I heard a noise coming from down stairs. Santa had arrived. It was getting louder and louder …and then the noise stopped…


100 world challenge by Anna

Remember those went to war by wearing poppies to show that we are thankful to those who died and fought no more.

Remember those who left their loved ones behind,

Who stood true as the battle whistles blew. Standing tall in the blood of war, with thought of their loved ones on their mind.

Remember those by wearing your poppy in respect for all the men and women who lost their loved ones. Think about what the poppy symbolises, sleep, peace and death. Think about those soldiers who gave their lives for you to have yours. We will remember them.


Welcome to our new class blog

Over the next term and a half, Year 6 will be posting comments and posts here about what they are getting up to.

We’ll also keep you updated with work from our classroom, our homework and some of the fantastic and educational tools we use on a daily basis.


Please take a look around the blog. Read our policy and expectations too on blogging safely and make sure you visit us regularly, too!