100wc ruby yr6

Dear Zoo keeper,

I would like to be a midnight zoo keeper because I would like to meet all the animals and watch the tigers, rinos, hippos, monkeys, elephants, zebras, lemars, lions, cheeters, girrafes, ostritches and the ant eaters. Also, with it being night time, i could listen to all the owls twit to wooing in the cages. I am the one ypu are looking for to wrestle all those monsters and save the animals that have not yet been eaten or killed. I could help the animals by making plastic versions that will not taste nice so he/she will not come back for second helpings.

From Ruby.


Why would you like to be a Night Zookeeper? by Marco

Why would you like to be a Night Zookeeper?

I would be delighted to be a night zookeeper because I individually find nature irresistible in facet I adore it so greatly that I own a pet tarantula, a pet python, a pet iguana, a pet parity, a pet monkey so as you have probably establish I have a great deal of experience with animals. I would be overjoyed if I could have an opportunity to obtain this job, it would be a pleasure to be part of the zoo keepers cure. If you do consider letting me have the job I promise you now you won’t regret it.



How stole Bob’s lollipop? by Marco Week#25

It was just like any other Sunday afternoon in the Dursley house and Bob was going for his Sunday lollipop but when he lifted the lid he saw no lollipops Bob shouted at the top of his voice .” WHERE IS MY LOLLIPOP” Now Bob was a very simple boy and only required one thing every Sunday, a lollipop. When he didn’t get his lollipop he got extremely angry, Bob then searched the house from top to bottom, he just couldn’t find it. Then outside Bob saw a trail of what looked like shards of glass. He followed the trail into the next door Neighbours front garden and though there front door and led into baby James’s  cot.


Marco 100 word challenge # week 19

One day in the zoo lived the Wongawonga gorilla. This particular gorilla is the last of it’s kind, it has PINK spotted fur and is famous for riding a one wheeled BICYCLE (otherwise known as a Unicycle) and then making the crowd burst into LAUGHTER. This GRAND animal is almost impossible to find, as there is only one left in the world. This animal is wanted by many circuses world wide, because the jokes it tells are so bad they are funny. This creature is currently held in Marco Land Resort in New York.

P.S feel free to come and have a look as we are open 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.



100wc by faye

The pink gorilla

One grand morning, Lilly asked if they go to the zoo. Lilly’s mum said “that’s a brilliant idea Lilly”. Just then Lilly’s smelly brother came in, “I herd we was going to the zoo” Lilly was about to say something and the Lilly’s mum said “we are all going on a family day out to the zoo and if you don’t want to then it’s tough because it’s a family day out”. Lilly said before anyone else, said anything “I want to see the gorilla’s” she blasted out. “I want to see the monkeys” said dad “I want to see the lions” said mum “well I don’t want to see any of the animals”. When they got to the zoo there stud right in frunt of them was a pink gorilla sat on a bicycle and they all laughed.


100 word challenge by Marco

I heard a noise behind me, it was dark and I was alone in the forest. I dreaded to look back to the beast that was chasing me. I came up with the idea of climbing the highest tree but remembered that some monsters can knock down trees. Then I was soon lost and came to a cliff edge. I thought I had no choice but to jump, but out of the corner of my eye I saw a hut. Quickly running  to the hut, kicking the door open and then slamming it shut before the monster could harm me. I then heard a bang on the roof…



nlas yr6 ruby mr m 100wc

Yesterday for tea we had spaghetti bolognaise and it was delicious.For pudding we had syrup sponge and custard.The syrupsponge tasted really sweet and … the custard tasted like… heaven. After tea I went to play in the garden with my brother. When it got to dartk my mum called us in to do some reading so i read my new diary of a wimpy kid hard luck book that i got for Christmas of Santa.When i had finished my book i went down stairs and watchd telly and then i had some supper.i hads a slice of toast with nuttella and some apple juice .Then went to bed.


nlas, yr6, mr maloney, ruby, 100wc

On Christmas day, my brother woke me upat half six by saying HO HO HO really loud(i’ll get him back some day). Santa had been and he got me lots of wonderfull things including a kindle,gelli baff, a chill gactor squezzy cup slush maker and lots more.Then Darrend mum and dadcame round and theey got me a glowing pillow and we had some bacon butties.After that we went round to my Grandma and grandads and they got me lost of really lovely presents aswell.I opned myglowing pillow but when I put the batteries in it didn’t work so grandad fixed it. 


100 word challenge by Evie

Christmas Day,

I was so exited to see what gifts I would get from father christmas! I got dressed then looked in my stocking.Every christmas I got what I wanted I have to get everything I want otherwise there just horrible to me its al I want I want I want! Eveyone needs to get spoilt I mean thats true. So i opend my stocking and found nothing I was shocked

I told my mum and she said “I’m not surprised I mean” so i went to town looking around me I saw everyone had prestents but me 😦 …looking down I was suprised to see someone without a home or anything it made me realise how lucky I am I went and bought with my 10000 pounds cause im rich! a house for the homeless person and when i got home i had some presents!