Jazmin’s 100wc

The whistle blew; I was froze on the spot. My body wouldn’t move because of all the adrenaline pumping around my body. All around me I could see chaos erupting, as innocent people got shot down. Suddenly out of nowhere, there was a tremendous explosion. Large chunks of shrapnel came flying at me from every direction possible. I collapsed to the floor in agony. It was all to fast for me to take in. Remembering the reason I was here, I sucked up all the pain, got up and prayed with home in my heart for my family back home.


Clocks going forward, by Ella

Dear Mr Vanshweezberg (president of Avernja),

I am writing to tell you that I don’t understand why the clocks have gone forward. I hear it was you who decided they should go forward. My children were late for school because of the clocks going forward. Also, I would like to bring to your attention, that many of my workers were late for work. They all say ‘ But I thought I had enough time to get here!’ It was all because of the clocks going forward.

I hope that you will write back to me and tell me about the clocks going forward.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Obama (Presedent of the United States).


Jazmin 100wc

As a criminal monster expert, I would defiantly like to be a night zoo keeper. I could easily fight the evil enemies off. Even the sound of a Spying Giraffe or a Time Traveling Elephant sounds phenomenal! We would venture out to defeat the ice jungles and climb the floating mountains. I would thrive for excellence and never would I stop until we have won. It’s my duty to keep everyone safe from criminal monsters so this job would be ideal for me.


I hope you consider me to become a Night Zoo Keeper; I would greatly appreciate it.


100wc ruby yr6

Dear Zoo keeper,

I would like to be a midnight zoo keeper because I would like to meet all the animals and watch the tigers, rinos, hippos, monkeys, elephants, zebras, lemars, lions, cheeters, girrafes, ostritches and the ant eaters. Also, with it being night time, i could listen to all the owls twit to wooing in the cages. I am the one ypu are looking for to wrestle all those monsters and save the animals that have not yet been eaten or killed. I could help the animals by making plastic versions that will not taste nice so he/she will not come back for second helpings.

From Ruby.